Friday, January 30, 2015


My Hunka Hunka Burning Love and I had dinner at our mentors' house last week and were told a great story. They have 5 grown children, but often growing up they would not only have brinner (breakfast for dinner) they would also have "clean out the fridge" nights where everything came out and everyone could eat from the buffet of leftovers.

One night the dad decides to not only have "clean out the fridge" night, but he decides to make "Goulash" and literally stuck it all in one pot. When all the kids sat down for dinner eyeing this bowl of mush in front of them, his selling point was... "it has melted cheese on top!" What kid doesn't love a bowl of mystery as long as there's cheese on top?!

As I listened to this story and laughed, to my delight I also thought, "oh no, goulash cannot have a bad name it is soo delicious" (or at least the recipe I stole from a dear friend). It's not so much a clean out the fridge thing though as a, I have to go to the grocery and get everything.

So here it is: Goulash 

1 red onion
1 butternut squash
2-4 zucchinis (yellow and green)
2-4 red and green peppers (or other colors if you like)
4 cans chicken and/or beef broth (I like 2 of each and reduced sodium)
1ish LB Spicy Italian sausage (ground beef, not kielbasa style)
2-4 chopped tomatoes
goat cheese
and all of these spices

First: It helps if you chop all the veggies first, but sometimes I just make sure the squashes are all cut and then continue cutting as I cook. So, chop all the veggies. In a big pot over medium heat with olive oil saute the onion then add the butternut squash. The squash takes the longest to cook, so the smaller the pieces the better. 

Once the squash has cooked a good bit, maybe 10 min (or enough time to cut the zucchinis) add the zucchinis. Maybe 5 min add 1 can of broth, allow to cook maybe another 5 min, add the peppers, cook 5 min, add more broth. This is not a very specific science, so add veggies and broth as you see fit. 

Second: While the veggies are cooking, in a separate pan brown the Italian sausage, drain and add to the veggies. When you add the sausage all the broth and veggies should be in the pot. Add all the spices and allow to simmer 5-10 min. The spices have no measurements and the amount you use depends on how spicy you like your food. In order from least dashes to a lot I use: salt, curry, pepper, chili, cayenne, cumin. (I use a lot of cumin) I usually save the salt until the end so I can figure out if I need it at all, just a dash or a large dash.

You have to make sure you re-hydrate after chopping all those veggies, it's seriously a workout.
Tony made me hold so he could get his drink in the photo. He said his whiskey felt left out.

Lastly: Scoop into a bowl, top with goat cheese and cilantro, eat and ENJOY! You don't need to worry about making a side of veggies because the thing is chock full of 'em. Delicious as leftovers. YUMM YUMM YUMM!

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