Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy One Year Anniversary, My HHBL!


And what a year it has been!!

My Hunka Hunka Burning Love started his first year of law school on top of our first year of marriage; it was the first year for a lot of things...

 My HHBL killed our first Christmas tree

We won the Olympics

Our first "honeymoon" to San Diego

We sold a car, we bought our first car

We celebrated with friends

We welcomed the newest member and first grandchild to the Greene family

Baby mama in blue, baby papa in purple, baby Layla in pink.
 We tried loved our families well

My HHBL joined my family for our beach vacation for the first time
We took some great road trips
We went to a wedding at an aquarium with a private sea lion show and a beluga whale

We successfully found our way through a mystery corn maze (in 30 minutes)

My HHBL had shoulder surgery

Baby, I love you to the moon and back and am so grateful and thankful that we've made it one year and that we have 75, if we're still alive, but remember, I get to die first, left to go.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Autumn

Photo/art credit to Katie Daisy.
As of Monday, September 22 at 10:29 p.m. autumn is officially here! I LOVE FALL! It is my favorite season by far. My favorite used to be spring, and I can't really pinpoint why that has changed, but nevertheless it has. I still love spring though. I want two weeks of summer, for the beach, two weeks of winter, for Christmas and New Years, and then I want the rest to be split between fall and spring!

Things to love about Fall!
  • First fires in the fireplace
  • Snuggling under warm blankets
  • The colors changing on the leaves - The Blue Ridge is an incredible place to see this
  • The crunch of leaves beneath your feet
  • Pumpkin patches and a corn maze
  • Pumpkins and mums on people's doorsteps
  • Burberry perfume - it is fall in a bottle. One spritz and you're cuddled up on the couch; eating something warm; smelling fires, deep tanons of red wine and brightly colored crisp leaves
  • Brunswick stew, chili (red and white), jambalaya, gumbo, etc.
  • Football and tailgates
  • My Hunka Hunka Burning Love's birthday
  • Going on walks with my HHBL and handing him every beautiful leaf, so that by the end he has an entire bouquet of the richest reds, oranges and yellows
  • The bright, chilly breeze across your cheeks and through your hair
  • Wearing scarves!

Welcome Fall, I'm so glad you're here!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The cat's out of the bag... we're my Hunka Hunka Burning Love is headed to Atlanta this summer, interning for Alston and Bird!! This was a much anticipated decision with some stress, but overall we are just so thankful that the decision is made and that my HHBL got his first choice.

I didn't draw this... thanks google.
Now the only problem is that he'll be in ATL for 10 weeks while I'm in Cville. I suppose though if we survived a year of separation while he was in the Philippines and I was in Cville, then this will be a piece of cake... right? Hardly!

If anyone has any advice for living in Atlanta and fun things to do in the summer, and friends we could connect with, cheap travel tricks (for me to visit often and to avoid miserable traffic delays), or insights into being married long distance (we did dating, but is that different than being married?) - we'd love any and all suggestions!