Friday, May 8, 2015

The End Has Come...

This week was the ending of an era. Ok, so maybe not an era.... but I wrapped up my time as a Zumba instructor :( I've been teaching at the local city gym for about 3 years and what a joy it's been. I've had some back trouble though and when the doctor says Zumba definitely isn't helping and you ignore him for a solid year the time comes to let the truth sink in. 

My class is soo sweet though. After class they had a Thank You cake and everyone signed this sweet card. Sarah, the British woman who I love chatting with, brought this card to class secretly for like 3 weeks so that everyone could have a chance to sign it. They also gave me a very generous gift card. I'm really going to miss those ladies!

This cake was deeee-liciousss! Thank you, Caroline for picking a good one!
Some of my most devoted Zumbians. Thank You!
Last official class is tomorrow, Saturday 10 - 11 a.m. at Smith Aquatic. Hope to see you there!
I wonder who will pay me to work out, now that I've quit the gym...

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